ICYMI, Ooni of Ife's former wife Olori Wuraola also performed the animal blood rite during their wedding

By Lumidy's Blog NG - Saturday, October 20, 2018

A photo emerged today showing the Ooni of Ife's new wife, Evangelist Naomi performing some rites while being welcomed into the palace. She walked on what was said to be animal blood and the Ooni's palace in a statement said necesary rites have been fully performed.


Naomi, who runs her ministry in Akure, was however criticized online, with some social media users asking if it was permittable in Christianity to undergo such.

It however appears to be a neceessity rite as photos online show the Ooni's former wife, Wuraola, now Zaynab, performing the same rites while being wlecomed to the palace in 2016.

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