
Sponsored Post: Earn Money from Internet daily. Join us! Earn 5$ for every link visit by your friends or family members

By Unknown - Friday, September 07, 2018
ForMoneyOnly advertising media is leading online advertising company. ForMoneyOnly.com is easy money earning system by sharing referral links to your friends, family and others people through websites, blogs, forums, social media, facebook wall, facebook pages, groups, twitter, chat rooms and other online media. Start your part time job and get Paid monthly. High revenue sharing:     Signup bonus:  5$    |   per referral link visit: 5$    |   min payout...

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Finland just launched an experiment giving 2,000 people free money until 2019

By Unknown - Tuesday, January 03, 2017
Finland has an ambitious New Year’s resolution in mind: learn how offering free money for two years helps the unemployed get back to work.Starting January 1, 2017 and lasting until 2019, the federal social security institution Kela will distribute roughly $590 each month to 2,000 jobless Finns. Regardless of whether they find work during that period, the money will keep coming in at the...

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