
JTE Gist: DaChat With Kamar Lima: Why Dammy Krane’s Theft Case Is Still A Devoping Story Or Better Still A Publicity Stunt

By Unknown - Thursday, June 08, 2017

Dammy Krane’s ‘B’ list celebrity status hasn’t pushed further than that since his departure from 2 Baba’ Hypertek Digital, Dammy Krane may have started out that way with singles like“Amin” but somewhere along the way, he decided to change tack. He followed the money and found. Or so it appeared.

“My Dear” forced listeners to pay attention to the singing sensation but after his subsequent releases failed to get the same commercial reception, many wrote off the Hypertek Digital artist as a one-hit wonder. Though some of the blame for his Enterkraneralbum tanking goes to his label’s lack of faith and poor promotion, he decided to redeem his image himself. And like the up-coming artist he has remained for years, he looked to already established artists for help. Aftee his contract with Hypertek Digital expired he sought solace in Davido’s DMW and his last try at a hit was “IZZUE” which featured his boss Davido,

Davido is loaded. Hence, his reckless spending but his money is old money(No be today money come the family) and that is what someone like Dammy Krane can live up too. The reason why his story can be a developing story is this:

His involvement with Saucekid AKA sinzu:Or so it appeared

Recall that Sinzu was arrested in 2016 for theft in the states? Read HERE…Before Dammy’s arrest, he linked up with Sinzu who might have impacted some steet OT in him on how to“Splurge on em” . But if that was the case, Dammy was a very bad student. He might have wanted quick money to live the Davido standard since music is giving him the proper “Raba” 

Celebrity Stunt To Reedem His Dying Career: C’mon, we all know of the dumb things celebrities do when they want to release a new project, reedem thier dead or dying careers. Most popular is 5 Star music act SKIIBII, who faked his dead(and he still no blow). Dammy Krane’s career is dwindling and just maybe his management thought of a stunt like this to bring his career back, he’s trending on all social networks and he Just released a song “AYE DUN” in the midst of all this. Did something just ring a bell? He trends and release a song, thats just the logic.

Again… A statement from his family claimed that he was a victim of circumstance, they claimed that he was booked by one Mr Ilochonwu Chukwuebuka Gabriel for a show. As a usual thing, booking for flights and hotel rooms are done by the booker. But the bookings were done in his name, TapJet ignored Ilochonwu Chukwuebuka Gabriel and only mentioned Dammy Krane in their tweet, this cryptically suggested that there are sides of this whole fiasco that we aren’t privy to. But so far, it looks really bad for him.

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