
George Turnah Responds To Hiring 40 Bridesmaids For His Wedding.

By Unknown - Tuesday, June 09, 2015

So after this POST alleging bridesmaids were hired for George Turnah's wedding,Yesterday night i got a call from a hidden number...Someone who claimed to know the whole story..He talked and talked and wanted me to bring down the post but i wanted to know why he was interested since he wasnt directly involved....Then I asked him to tell Mr Sodin to call me..

Mr Sodin did call me but i was so sleepy i could barely make out what he said...I told him to call me in the morning and i woke up to see that a response by the groom Mr George Turnah had been provided...which is good.

Read it and like he said at the end...''you be the Judge''

cut in for more stories......

My name is George Turnah. Let me say that usually, one would not bother himself responding or being part of this nonsense, but for the simple reason that in cases like this, the public, readers and commentators may need to have an informed idea of the issues, facts they say, are sacred.
MY GOODWILL, KILLING ME. Thank GOD she didn't say I slept with her or all of them on the promise that I was going to them N1 billion each.

THE REAL STORY: I have always done my best to support Mr. Sodin and his Miss Niger Delta Beauty Pageant Projects, this fact Mr. Sodin appreciates always. So when my wedding arrangements got underway, several groups I have had reasons to relate with in the cause of my job, including Mr. Sodin's Miss Niger Delta offered to make one contribution or the other as support for their "Patron" or "SA". The painful part of this issue is that, when I told my wife to contact Mr. Sodin for the participation of his Miss Niger Delta girls (whom I have supported financially on countless occasions) as offered by the organization, my wife refused, infact, she said she already got her bridal train ready and already made clothes for them, and since she doesn't even know the girls personally. I pleaded and persuaded her to accept Sodin's girls. 

Eventually, she reluctantly did, on the condition that I have to be responsible for the ordering of New sets of clothes for them, a condition I gladly accepted and paid for the clothes. I did not at any time, neither did my wife make commitment to hire, settle or pay anybody as bridesmaids, NEVER. I challenge anybody to come out and say I George Turnah made commitment to hire and pay her 1kobo to do bridesmaids in my wedding. Infact, as we speak, a lot of my wife's friends are still angry and vexed that they didn't get the opportunity of participating in the bridal train during her wedding.

Let me leave all of you with the following posers , perhaps we may find some truth.

1. The traditional marriage held in Yenagoa, Bayelsa state on the 3rd of May, 2015. Over 30 beautiful ladies made up the bridal train. The "hired" Sodin's girls were not their. Let's say the "Married and too Old" friends of my were the asheobi girls, and it came out good. They were good for traditional marriage, and not good for wedding?

2. My wife's bridal train at the wedding in Abuja comprised of of about 50 Bridesmaids. Sodin's girls were 20 in number. Maybe we also hired the other 30. Let's say yes we hired the 30, wouldn't a 30 ladies bridal train been enough for a wedding? Did we need to have hired another 20, Ok yes, because they are the most beautiful girls on earth....haha haha

3. Let's say we were desperate, and must hire girls for bridal train. Wouldn't it have been better, easier and cheaper for us to have hired girls resident in Abuja and pay them? If you were me, would you have preferred to hire girls in porthacourt, make clothes for them, transport them to and fro porthacourt and Abuja airports, fly them on a return ticket to Abuja and back, put them in one of Abuja's most expensive hotels (AES Luxury), feed them, etc? Spending almost a hundred thousand naira on each of them? While you would have just hired girls in Abuja and pay them without hotel, transport, air tickets and feeding? Ok, your answer would have been yes, because they (the Sodin's girls) are the world's most beautiful girls......Nonsense. It is on records that 40 extremely beautiful Abuja girls provided ushering services at the wedding, while another 20 of them did protocol. Why did I not hire them to do bridesmaids?

4. Talking about treating the girls well: I was at the airport in Abuja to personally receive them, amongst other guests. I drove them straight to AES Luxury where they were accommodated. Mr. Sodin came to me and said he would want the girls to eat outside since they were in a hurry to try their dresses and also participate at the bridal shower party at the Abuja Transcorp Hilton. I obliged, and gave Mr. Sodin money for their feeding (Dinner), and they all drove out for food. It is blatant lie to say they arrived and were kept hungry. Secondly, same night they had the bridal shower party. Please let's be sincere to ourselves. Is is possible to have that kind of party in Hilton without enough something to eat and drink? The hotel records show that from the next morning till they left, they were eating from the hotel and signing bills.

5. After about a week, Mr. Sodin sent me a text that he was under pressure from the girls to pay them. I swiftly replied him that I had no idea anybody was to be paid for attending my wedding, and that how do I pay for what initially he called"support"? I was very upset and angry, but Mr. Sodin quickly understood it was wrong to have asked for payment, and apologized. When I told my wife about the text Sodin sent to me, she simply said I should show appreciation since they willingly supported us during wedding, not to say I am paying them. Following my wife's plea that I show appreciation, I sent Mr. Sodin a text , informing him that I would like to meet the MND girls, at least to show appreciation. As we speak, my wife and I are still out of the country, only to read this nonsense.
With this, even the planned appreciation arrangement is cancelled and put off.
Haven heard from me, please be the judge.

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